“The surprise screw of the 2,600-year-old mummy amazed the scientific world”

In 1971, the Rosicrucian Museum in California hosted Egyptian priests that contained a surprise. Two decades later, a team of scientists discovered the shocking truth: the mummy contained evidence of advanced heart surgery performed…

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“Archaeologists Proudly Confront the Astonishingly Unearthed Gigantic Expertise”

аɩсoһoɩologists Proudly Pose in Front of Newly Found Giant Skill In the world of archaeology, discoveries generate as much interest and fascination as this one recently revealed at the hands…

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Revelando el enigma de la niña Egtved (c.1390-1370 a. C.): la adolescente danesa de la Edad del Bronce excepcionalmente conservada

La niña de Egtved (c. 1390-1370 a. C.) fue una niña nórdica de la Edad del Bronce cuyos restos bien conservados fueron descubiertos en las afueras de Egtved, Dinamarca, en 1921. Tenía entre 16 y 18 años al morir, era delgada, 1,6 metros (5 pies 3 pulgadas). Alto, tenía el pelo corto y rubio y las uñas bien recortadas. …

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Unearthed “Treasure Trove” from Shipwreck Holds Key to Solving 16th Century Mystery

Archaeologists were called in when a worker stumbled across a number of strange artefacts in Africa, leading to what may be one of the most significant shipwrecks ever found. More than a century ago, a German treasure hunter found a diamond in the Namibian …

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El descubrimiento del “cofre de oro” del naufragio podría desentrañar el misterio del siglo XVI

Se llamó a los arqueólogos cuando un trabajador se topó con una serie de artefactos extraños en África, lo que llevó a lo que podría ser uno de los naufragios más importantes jamás encontrados. Hace más de un siglo, un cazador de tesoros alemán encontró un diamante en Namibia…

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Former Garbage Collector Uncovers One of the Largest Gold Nuggets Ever Found, Valued at £172k

A FORMER garbage collector turned gold digger has found what could be one of the largest gold nuggets ever discovered with a value of £172,000. Syd Pearson struck gold in the form of a 4.3kg nugget when digging in the Australian state of Victoria. Syd …

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Explorando las letrinas medievales y la historia de los baños: retretes y guardarropas

El retrete o letrina medieval, entonces llamado retrete o guardarropa, era un asunto primitivo, pero en un castillo uno podía encontrar un poco más de comodidad y ciertamente mucho más esfuerzo de diseño que el que se había invertido en otros lugares. Practicidad, privacidad y…

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Discovery of Fossilized “Siberian Unicorn” Remains from the Time of Human Exploration

Siberian unicorn’ once roamed among humans, surviving in Eastern Europe and western Asia until at least 39,000 years ago, around the same time of Neanderthals and early modern humans. An extinct giant rhinoceros, sometimes described as a “Siberian unicorn,” …

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Unveiling the Enigmatic Past of Ancient Roman Public Latrines: The Intriguing Techniques Behind These Facilities

In the center, there is an uncovered pool and the toilets are aligned along the walls. The columns surrounding the pool supported a wooden ceiling. There was a drainage system under the toilets. Public toilets in the ancient city of Ephesus Almost every …

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“Embarking on the Quest for Treasures: A Shore Abundant with Gold and Diamond Jewels”

Video: In the pursuit of extraordinary moments, imagine strolling along a shore where every step unveils the magic of discovering treasures. Picture a scene where the sands are not just…

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