Wife of NFL Legend Michael Irvin Faces Battle with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

The 58-year-old wife of Dallas Cowboys legend Michael Irvin is reportedly suffering from early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Michael Irvin

The NFL Hall of Famer made the announcement Monday during the soft opening of his new sports bar in The Colony, Texas, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Irvin reportedly told patrons that his wife, Sandy, has been battling the disease for several years now and requires a live-in caretaker to help her with everyday tasks.

However, Irvin told the Star-Telegram via text message that he is not considering putting his wife in a full-time care facility, adding that she has “earned the right to stay in her house.”

File photo of Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin, and his wife Sandy, July 16, 1996.

An estimated nearly 7 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. The progressive neurological disorder causes brain cells to die off over time, leading to a continuous decline in behavioral and social skills.

NFL Legend Michael Irvin Reveals Wife Sandy Has Early-Onset Alzheimer's

The risk of contracting Alzheimer’s increases significantly after the age of 65, but some people younger than that can still show signs of the disease. Symptoms include memory loss, cognitive decline, disorientation, speech problems, behavioral changes, and challenges completing simple daily tasks.

Sandy, la esposa de Michael Irvin, se mantuvo al lado de la leyenda de la  NFL en medio de una tormenta de drogas, sexo y violencia; ahora él está  tratando de enmendar

Although rare — accounting for about 5% of all cases — early-onset Alzheimer’s often has a stronger genetic link and may be inherited. For more information about the disease, how to detect it and treatment options, head over to alz.org.

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