Brittany Williams Stuns in Bikini in Cabo Following Josh Allen Split Revelation

Brittany Williams is enjoying some R&R in Cabo San Lucas after she spilled the tea about moving on from her ex-boyfriend, Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen.

Taking to Instagram, the influencer shared a number of bikini-clad photos while soaking up the sun poolside at a lavish hotel on Monday.

Brittany Williams in Cabo San Lucas.

“Woke up in Cabo,” Williams wrote, adding a brown heart emoji, which matched her bikini by Monday Swimwear.

Brittany Williams in Cabo San Lucas. Instagram/Brittany Williams
Brittany Williams in Cabo San Lucas.
Brittany Williams in Cabo San Lucas. Instagram/Brittany Williams
Brittany Williams in Cabo San Lucas.
Brittany Williams in Cabo San Lucas. Instagram/Brittany Williams

The brunette beauty, whose AfterGlow spray tan was glowing in the sun, wore the brand’s Hanalei top and Belize beach pants, both in the color coco.

Williams appeared to be on a girls’ trip one week after she discussed her “crazy” dating life after moving to New York City following her split with Allen.

During a recent appearance on the “Martinis and Bikinis” podcast, Williams recalled going through a difficult time when they went their separate ways after a decade together.

Brittany Williams and Josh Allen.

Brittany Williams and Josh Allen. Instagram

“How do you feel transitioning from that into dating now?” host Veronica Droulia asked, to which Williams said, “That is the question of the century.”

Williams recalled moving home to her native Fresno, Calif., for a few months after the breakup before she relocated to New York City.

“I was with my ex-boyfriend for 10 years,” she said. “I would say that coming into the dating world was very, very, very difficult for me at first because I’m just like, I never thought I would be here again. But here I am, I am very happy now. The dating life in New York is absolutely crazy but it’s so much fun. It was so entertaining.

Brittany Williams and Josh Allen.

Brittany Williams and Josh Allen. Instagram

“I’m giddy right now just talking about it because it’s so much fun. I’m having the ‘Sex and the City’ moment… It is crazy out here on these streets, I’ll just say that. It’s hard but it’s beautiful because it makes you realize everything you want and makes you not settle for anything more than that.”

Williams and Allen went public with their relationship in 2017 but had met when they were 8-year-old family friends growing up in Fresno.

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