The heart-wrenching story revolves around a baby named Chau Hong Binh from Fujian, China, born in August 2011, who has been suffering from an unusual and distressing condition – an extremely swollen belly.
At just four months old, Chau Hong Binh weighs 4kg, but his waist has swollen to a size larger than a basketball, causing discomfort and worry for the family. Despite seeking medical attention at local hospitals, the cause of this unusual ailment remains unidentified. Recently, Chau Hong Binh’s parents received advice to travel to Shanghai for further examination and treatment, continuing their challenging journey to find answers and help for their baby.
The mother of Chau Hong Binh expressed her concerns, mentioning that with every passing day, it seems like the baby’s belly gets a little smaller when he farts. However, this reduction is not significant compared to the daily growth rate. Currently exclusively breastfeeding, the baby has been vomiting frequently in the past few days, intensifying the mother’s worries.